Monday, April 13, 2009

BlackHat XSite Pro

Shhh....Controversial Black Hat Techniques The Search Engines Don't Want You To Know About Inside!
I Work 10 Times Less Than You - But Have almost 200,000 pages up!
Who Else Wants To 'Learn The Secrets of My BLACK HAT Success'...
...Because if you are smart enough to use Xsitepro you can churn out websites faster than my SUV guzzles gas!
Dear Online Marketer,
I have a confession to make about my laziness.
My friends, family and peers know it. I'm lazy and I like to sleep. If I could get away with it I would take at least 2 naps a day. Trying to reach me in the middle of the day is a crap shoot. Chances are I'm taking a nap.
I can still support my family though. It's easy. I work just about one hour a day 5 days a week building simple little websites with Xsitepro.
Sure.... you could do the same thing but you wouldn't make any money. I CHEAT........
I can spit out a 500 page optimized website in a matter of minutes on any topic I can think of. Go take a nap, come back promote it in less than an hour, go take a nap, come back and set up my long term promotion --- and that's all before noon!
Here's a warning: When you hear what I've been up to, you won't be able to sleep. Your brain will be too excited with potential income streams, it'll be like a quadruple-shot latte. But before we get to that, let me tell you...
I'm not even breaking the law!
...The secret? I've figured out how to absolutely GAME the search engines using the easiest dang software to build websites on the planet. ( Hint - it's Xsitepro ).
In just a handful of minutes I can ...

Build the backbone of my newest website using Xsitepro.

Integrate in my affiliate income streams or even set up a newsletter system for back end sales.

Capture a niche completely. I mean totally - Long tail keywords, short ones. The ones that those guys doing it the "white hat" way would never ever really reach... (hey that's fine guys - you keep working while I take a nap).

Set up long term promotion for this site - (and then take a nap )
Here's the truth about these Black Hat Xsitepro Sites...
If you plan on keeping up with me the traditional way... well let's just say you're going to be VERY busy.
You are going to have to write 500 pages of content every day just to keep up.. Then your going to have to go out and beg for link exchanges ( I'll be laughing at you while I take a nap ).
(And most people would find it impossible to build a 500 page website. Can you find the time between your current job and other responsibilities?)
The truth is most "GURU'S" outsource, or use ready made systems that they duplicate over and over! Hell most "Guru's" don't even have an idea of the secrets I use. They outsource everything and couldn't program their butts out of a bucket or come up with an original idea to save their lives!
Now I'm not supposed to make it easy on you. I'm supposed to get you on my mailing list, and sell you on a new idea each week. I'm not going to do that though - instead I'm going to show you on video how to totally GAME the search engines, build a massive website empire, and then you can thank me after you wake up from your nap!

Approximately 15 minutes to get your huge website up fast.

Chances of 2 sites ever being the same - about zero.

Content on thousands of Keyword based pages - keep the search engines, your visitors, and your wallet happy.

Download from

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